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How to add yourself to Google search : "Add Me To Search"

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How to add Yourself To Google Search.

So, Let's Get Start..


Google Recently Introduce Us To the new features of "Introducing our self" on the biggest platform "Google Search". 

Google 'Add me to search' Feature Makes You More Visible on Google Search..

If you've ever tried to look for a business, company profile or a famous personality on Google, have you noticed how it displays rich, relevant data in a box to the side, cutting down your time trying to search for a result?

Google's launched a similar feature now for ordinary people who want to add their name to Google search called "Add Me To Search", make it appear prominently as well.

In Google's own words, "it’s not always easy to find the person or information that you’re looking for. So After all, there are many people who share the same name, and it’s hard to know who’s who on the internet."

Think of these Google people cards as virtual visiting cards on Google search results page.

They are not like Google Plus profiles, and these People Cards only appear on Google Search results page.

With People Cards, Google is allowing users to control how they appear in search results related to their names and with the ability to add extra information apart from names like work profile, social media links, hobbies, phone number and email address, among other things. 

If you want to add yourself on Google Follow the below Step ðŸ‘‡

  • Search for "Add me to search" in a mobile browser on 
  • because You can not do this on a desktop browser or any yet, only mobile browser supported right now for this Feature.
  • Click on get started Button.
  • Fill the form with relevant fields.
  • This is the information that will be visible on your Google people card for search queries against your name.
  • "The more information you provide, the easier it is for people to find you," claims Google.
  • Finalize your Google search information and save. You've successfully added yourself to Google search.

Add Me To Search
Add Me To Search

  • How does Google prevent abuse of the system and stop people from impersonating others?
  • Google claims that it requires a phone number to be associated with every account that's trying to add itself to search and people cards, thereby making it difficult to impersonate someone.
  • Google also writes this on its official blog, "If you’re trying to find someone on Search, these new cards make it quick and easy to find the right person. 
  • When you search for someone’s name and there’s a card available, you’ll see a module with the name, profession and location, which you can tap to see their card.
  • For people who share the same name, you’ll see multiple modules, and the information can help you distinguish between the different individuals to find who you’re looking for."

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